December 4-6 Homework

Hello all.

9-06 Finish Practice 2.3 and start Apply, pages 68,69 and 70. Test on Tuesday for you.

9-05 Finish Practice page 78 and 79. Any 5 of 15-19. Any 7 of 20- 30 and 31. And any four of the five Extends. Try also to complete Extra Paactice and Workbook pages for 2.4. Test on Tuesday for chapter 2.

Weekend Homework for November 14 and 15

Hello my students. I hope your weekend is going well. Here is the assigned work from class today for the weekend.

First everyone should get into you can jump off on this page to Brain Power Games. You can also try Shodor (jump off this page) to fraction quiz.

As well everyone should read page 63 and do the Reflect and Check work and then read pages 64-66 and do all Show You Know's. 9-05 please fix posts that need fixing and comment on at least three others questions if you haven't done so. 9-06 read 9-05 posts and comment on their questions.

We will discuss addition and subtraction of fractions on Monday.

November 10 Homework Post

9-06 See post below about what do you know about fractions (in Journal), and do self-evaluation 2.2 "after" and 2.3 "before."

9-05 See post below for what I know about fractions(in Journal), and do self-evaluation 2.2 "after" and 2.3 "before."

See you all on Thursday. Only 4 weeks before the Winter break.

9-06 Homework for Monday Night

9-06 your homework is to complete the extra practice 2.2 sheets. The answers are posted later in this blog. Test tomorrow morning at 9:00 AM Good luck to all. Study hard!!

What Do You Know About Fractions?

9-05 You asked me to post the homework for you today and here it is:
What do you remember about fractions? How do you add, subtract, divide and multiply fractions? What are the parts of a fraction? What is a fraction? Can you name different types of fractions?

Answer Key For Extra Practice 2.2

BLM 2–7 Section 2.2 Extra Practice
1. a) i) Example: 1 + (–3) = –2 ii) –2.58
b) i) Example: –7 + –8 = – 15 ii) –14.92
c) i) Example: 8 – 5 = 3 ii) 2.45
d) i) Example: –3 + 4 = 1 ii) 1.38
e) i) Example: –1 + 2 = 1 ii) 1.241
f) i) Example: 0.5 + 0.1 = 0.6 ii) 0.675
2. a) i) Example: –4 × 7 = –28 ii) –27.3
b) i) Example: –5 × (–9) = 45 ii) 47.43
c) i) Example: –2 ÷ (–1) = 2 ii) 1.2
d) i) Example: 36 ÷ (–4) = –9 ii) –8.5
e) i) Example: 3 × (–4) = –12 ii) –11.34
f) i) Example: –9 ÷ (–0.3) = 30 ii) 26.758
g) i) Example: –6 ÷ 20 = –0.3 ii) –0.273
h) i) Example: –0.3 × (–0.9) = 0.27 ii) 0.264
3. a) i) Example: –6 + (–1) ÷ (–1 + 0) = –5
ii) –5.4
b) i) Example: –2 × (–3) + (–1) × 2 = 4
ii) 5.016
c) i) Example: –6 × (–4) – 1 ÷ 0.5 = 22
ii) 24.04
4. a) 135.25 + (–159.15) = –23.90
b) Camille’s account balance is –$23.90.
5. a) (–12) + (+4) + (–11) + (+9) + (–3) = –13 b) The temperature on Friday was –13 °C.
6. a) 126(2.00) – (130)(1.45) = 63.50
b) The student council earned $63.50 on their birthday card sale.
7. a) 45 – (–63) = 108
b) The difference between the hottest day and coldest day in Canada is 108 °C.
8. a) i) 5.8 – (–8.1) = 13.9 ii) –8.1, –3.2, –0.5, 0.6, 1.8, 2.5, 5.8; median: 0.6 iii) –8.1 + (–3.2) + (–0.5) + 0.6 + 1.8 + 2.5 + 5.8 = –1.1; –1.1 ÷

7 ≈ – 0.16 b) i) 14.2 – (–13.7) = 27.9
ii) –13.7, –7.3, 0, 4.1, 9.1, 12.3, 14.2; median: 4.1 iii) –13.7 + (–7.3) + 0 + 4.1 + 9.1 + 12.3 + 14.2 = 18.7; 18.7 ÷ 7 ≈ 2.67

Hope everyone's weekend is going well. See you all tomorrow.

Have You Travelled the World Lately?

Hello 9-05 and 9-06. I hope you are all busy getting ready for the test next week. I have just completed two copies of the test as you will be writing on seperate days.

For 9-06 your homework is to complete all Apply and Extend questions for Monday pages 60-62 I believe. You also need to check 9-05 blog to see how they have completed the work if you are having difficulty.

For 9-05, first spend some time on Feedjit and see all the places you have travelled since you have started blogging. It is truly amazing the corners of the world you have touched. Enjoy the trip.

Then, Blog post your question. Complete all Apply and Extend and if you are having a hard time give me a shout. I am also in the building tomorrow if you need help.

I also want you to try to complete the workbook section 2.2 and Extra practice 2.2. I will post answers to extra practice tomorrow or Saturday. (This is extra practice and I will not check to see if you have completed the work. Unless you fail the test.)

Homework for 9-05 November 3

All students must complete all questions from Apply and Extend, pages 60 -62. All questions in the apply should have a picture with it and you should also post your picture for the question you will be responsible for. As well you must post your assigned question to the blog. You will label it Rational Numbers, Decimals, and Homework.

Homework For November 2, 2009

9-05 Practice questions #4 or 5, 6 or 7 and 8, 9, 10, 11 on page 60
Continue to fill in the space for adding, subtracting (we need to talk about this) multiplying and dividing decimal numbers.

9-06 Read page 56 and do Show You Know on top of page 57. Finish sentences.

October 28th The Day "Data" Came to Visit

Hello you fellow star travellers here is the homework for each class.

9-05 See "Nicky Scribe Post" and do only SYK on top of page 57. Journal looking for reaction to the "game" and how you decide which fraction is closer without the use of a calculator.

9-06 Practise #4 or 5, #8 or 9, #10 or #11 or 12, 15, & 17
Apply #18 or 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 26 and Extend #29 or 30, Journal

Answers to 2.1

BLM 2–5 Section 2.1 Extra Practice
1. a) 17, –3.606, b) –0.2, 9.12(12 repeats) , 0/0 , -13/4
2. a) –9 b) c) 17.6 d) -6.12 (12 repeats) e) –401
f) 7 5/7
3. A -1/3 B -2.1 C -0.3 D 7/4 E -0.49 (9 repeats) F 2 1/5
4. -3/4,-0.6 (6 repeats), –0.6,1 1/2, 1.7
5. 1.9,11/6,1.3 (3 repeats), –0.5,-2/3
6. b), c)
7. a), b)
8. a) 1/2 b) 7/8 c) -4/7 d) -1/10 e) -2 3/4 f)-1/11
9. a) i) 0.25, 0.5 ii) Example: 0.4
b) i) –0.4, –0.6 ii) Example: –0.5
c) i) –0.1, –0.125 ii) Example: –0.11
d) i) -0.6 (6 repeats), -0.83 (3 repeats) ii) Example: –0.7
e) i) –1.75, –1.8 ii) Example: –1.76
f) i) –1.95, –2.0 ii) Example; –1.96
10. a) i) 8/10 , 9/10 ii) Example: 85/100 = 17/20
b) i) -65/100 , -66/100 ii) Example: -655/1000
c) i) -9/10 ,-10/10 ii) Example: -95/100 = -19/20
11. a) 7/-14 = -1/2 b) -75/100 = -3/4
c) -4 4/10 = -4 2/5
12. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, –1, –2, –3, –4

If you have any questions be sure to ask in class tomorrow. Happy homework.

9-05 and 9-06 Homework

Wow what a crazy day for Mr. B! I think there were 40 adults that came through our math class today and that doesn't count the student teachers or for 9-06 Mrs. W. I'm very proud of the way you all handled so many teachers coming through the room during your classes. You all did a splendid job of staying focused and doing what you needed to do.

Here is your homework for the weekend:
9-06 All of 2.1 Extra Practise sheets and the Workbook pages for section 2.1, Journal
9-05 Your homework is CYU #1, 2, 3 Practise #4 or 5, #8 or 9, #10 or #11 or 12, 15, & 17
Apply #18 or 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 26 and Extend #29 or 30, Journal

Just remember you get a long weekend but Mr. B. is off teaching teachers about math tomorrow. Thank you to all the students who gave me your "Stash Its" to show to other teachers. I chose only a few of you although I could have chosen many more from the class. Thank you again to all for making teaching so much fun!!

9-05 another challenge to you... Joseph posted a video about rationals. I would like someone in class or many of you to improve upon the Video. Who is up for the challenge? See me so we can discuss it. There are some mistakes in the video! Can you spot them?

Unit 2 Problems

Two Problems

1. A chessboard is a large square and is made up of 64 small squares. Consider only the first three rows of the chessboard.

a) Find the diagonals of all squares and rectangles possible in the first three rows. Arrange the squares and rectangles, from least to greatest, by length of their diagonals.

b) Consider the entire chessboard. When would you expect the squares or rectangles to give whole number diagonals?

2. A gold bar has a mass of 1 and 1/3 kg. You wish to cut off exactly 1/2 kg. What fraction of the bar should you cut off? Explain.

Problem 1 will require good organization, be conscientious in your work. Write the answers in your Journal to start and then later I will ask you to post.

Major Assignment Due Monday

Hello again 9-06 and 9-05. Hope your weekend is going well. On Monday I will be collecting your Stash It packages. In the packages you will need to have the following materials. please make sure to have as much of it as possible in the package.
1. 3 Mathlinks from pages 15, 25, 35 and the major Mathlink from page 39. (10%)
2. Journal. Entries from everyday(3%) and one highlited Journal entry to show your best learning day (2%).
3. Self Evaluations (Traffic Light Sheets) completed. (2%)
4. Foldables completed... (2%)
5. Two tests signed by mom, dad or whomever takes care of you. (1%)
Total 20% of first section mark.

Our next unit of study will be Rational Numbers. If you are interested you may look at chapter two to see what we are going to study.

If anyone is interested please let me know where the term "Rational Numbers" came from and post a blog.

PS. Make sure you tell your friends in class to head to this site.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Hello 9-06 and 9-05, I hope your weekend is going well. I have assigned work for you in class that you need to be working on over the weekend. I will list the work here later. I am still waiting to see ho will expand on the Babylonians. There are other questions I have asked that you should consider answering. It will help with one of our next units of study.

The work you need to complete for me by Tuesday is online in the student text. For those of you who do not have access I certainly hope you have a book from me.

CYU page 31 #1-3
Practice page 32 and 33 #5, 6, 7, and 9
Apply page34 #13 to 19
Extend one of 20 or 21 and one of 22 and 23 (For those who wish to challenge themselves and learn more)
Question # 11 I would like you all to blog on this question and let's see how big the list becomes....

Have a great weekend looking forward to discussing your work with you on Tuesday.

So...How do I Find Surface Area of a Cube? Rectangular Prism? Cylinder? Composite?

Hello 9-06 and 9-05, who can help me out? I'm trying to find the most elegant algebaric expression to help me to find the surface area of a cube, rectangular prism, cylinder, or a composite of any of these shapes. What about the surface area of a triangular prism? How does symmetry help us solve some of these surface area problems? What happens if a part of any of these shapes is missing? How do I find surface area then? Help me out and post what you know over the next few days. Maybe someone can make a movie to explain the process?? Looking forward to some fantastic posts.

By the way 9-05 your explanations for, "Why 360 degrees?" really rock!! Keep up the great posts. Our place value is ones (1), tens (10), hundreds (100), thousands (1000) etc. Did anyone find out what 60 looks like in the Babylonian number system? What would be the next place value and what does it look like? or the next? Is there an easy way to write these numbers using our number system?

Test Thursday and Why 360?

A reminder to all 9-05 and 9-06 students that we will be having a test on Line Symmetry and Rotation Symmetry use section 1.1 and 1.2 to study from.

9-05 we talked about why the number 360 was used to describe a full circle. Explain to 9-06 why this number was chosen.

Grade 9's Welcome

Hello grade 9's, welcome to our shared blog spot. I look forward to reading what it is you have to say about what you have learned during math class. I want this to be a resource for all of us. For you to help each other and for me to be able to understand how you are dealing with the topics covered. Let's make it a great site.